Friday, August 6, 2010

Revised Action Research Plan

I met with both my high school principal and the elementary school principal (where my action research plan takes place) this past week. I was amazed at how supportive they were! Everything fell into place beautifully. I have a 2nd grade teacher who volunteered her class for my project and we will start after labor day. The only change to my action research project is the amount of time I will spend with the class. Originally, I planned to meet with the 2nd grade class 4 times per week 20 minutes/day. We revised that to 3 times per week. The principal suggested that the 2nd graders could come to my high school computer lab when they had reached a milestone. I thought that was a wonderful idea. They will absolutely love to come to the high school! We even discussed projects they could do once they have learned the keyboard such as digital story telling. I am really excited about the project and can't wait to begin.